同時,我們將不斷地進行技術更新,并結合我國的國情。融合國際 UPS 新技術,向廣大用戶提供更新,更適用的產品.公司擁有一支多年從事 UPS 營銷及技術的工作隊伍,可向客戶提供技術咨詢,技術講座及維修,場地設計,現場安裝等全方位的.公司提供的產品服務包括陽光蓄電池、松下蓄電池、湯淺蓄電池、蓄電池、OTP蓄電池、易事特蓄電池、理士蓄電池、賽特蓄電池、山特蓄電池、友聯蓄電池、鳳凰蓄電池、圣陽蓄電池、APC UPS電源、艾默生UPS電源、梅蘭日蘭UPS電源、伊頓UPS電源、山特UPS電源等,歡迎來電咨詢洽談!
陽泉EFFEKTA蓄電池12V18AH報價 陽泉EFFEKTA蓄電池12V18AH報價
Beijing rema power supply technology co., LTD., since 2006 engaged in the valve control type sealed lead acid battery sales, is China's earliest start selling one of maintenance-free battery traders. With more than ten years of sales, customers all over the country more than 1000 (with detailed client list and purchase contract for reference), the experience is very rich. After many years of accumulation and development, now our company has become a collection of scientific research, development, production, sales in the integration of all kinds of professional battery manufacturers. Company technical strength and financial strength is very strong, have a large number of engineering and technical personnel, to ensure that every customer would be able to get the high quality service. Company is dedicated to provide a more battery trading platform for the fair, dedicated to provide users with cheap and fine original products, dedicated to reshape China battery the normal order of market, is committed to fight against fake and inferior, profiteering and vicious competition. Battery business network goal is to build China's largest trading platform, to the user when buying a battery to the quality, price, guarantee of confidence. Company is a famous Chinese backup battery (telecom, electric power, UPS), power battery (electric vehicles, forklifts, electric machinery, traction), starting batteries (car battery and oil machine starting batteries), deep cycle solar battery, alkaline battery and professional distribution company, specializes in distribution of various kinds of imported high-quality battery products joint venture. Because the company has for many years engaged in the import and export trade, import and export processes are very familiar with battery, the company from production manufacturer directly with goods, the price advantage is obvious. Company comprehensive intervention, industrial batteries, with the most preferential price, the best service, breakthrough brand restrictions, for you to provide quality comprehensive import joint industrial battery products, and provide complete varieties of industrial battery testing instruments and meters, and complete industrial battery detection scheme, eventually eliminate your fear of industrial batteries, for you to find the optimal configuration of industrial battery solutions. Really real.
The company sells the famous imported industrial battery products are American GNB batteries, Germany sunshine, the hawk, the United States DEKA, Italy, the United States C&D battery is special battery, the Swiss love kang battery, Germany pines. Joint sino-italian joint venture insurance products (bosfa) battery, shenyang shenyang panasonic battery joint venture with Japan, shunde's joint venture with Japan yuasa (also to sell Taiwan soup shallow and Japan original soup shallow), Shanghai hercules battery joint venture with the United States and sino-italian joint venture SPI batteries.
經營理念: 一切以用戶價值為依歸
??巳码娫丛O備(山東)有限公司擁有逾6000平方米的倉庫和物流中心, 并在上海、北京、 廣州、 西安、 成都、 南京、 濟南、沈陽、昆明、武漢等多地設有辦事處或銷售機構。 ??速惖码娫丛O備(山東)有限公司是一家以UPS不間斷電源、EPS應急電源、膠體免維護蓄電池、交直流穩壓電源、逆變電源、智能電力開關柜、新能源、電力電源監控系統的研發、生產、銷售及技術推廣服務等多行業發展高新企業,擁有業界完整的產品線,專注于電力技術應用和電力技術研發通過覆蓋全國的分銷網絡廣泛服務于金融、石化、冶金、地鐵、軌道交通、電力電網、政府、新能源、通信、IDC機房等行業,向用戶提供電源解決方案。主營產品:UPS電源,EPS應急電源、直流電源等電源產品。松下、湯淺蓄電池,德國陽光蓄電池,鉛酸蓄電池,免維護蓄電池,膠體蓄電池,太陽能用蓄電池等電池產品。
- 地址:山東省濟南市天橋區藥山街道金蓉花園(秋天)1號樓2單元202室
- 郵編:250000
- 電話:18500100400
- 總經理:楊淳
- 手機:18500100400
- 傳真:010-57030655
- 微信:18500100400
- QQ:501148235
- Email:501148235@qq.com